This rare and highly sought-after comic book features the iconic character Freddy Krueger in his own series, based on the hit horror movie franchise A Nightmare on Elm Street. The issue is number one of the series, published by Marvel in 1989 during the Copper Age of comics. The comic book is CGC graded at 9.0 with white pages, ensuring its excellent condition.
Freddy Krueger’s A Nightmare on Elm Street #1 CGC 9.0 White Pages 1989
This rare and highly sought-after comic book features the iconic character Freddy Krueger in his own series, based on the hit horror movie franchise A Nightmare on Elm Street. The issue is number one of the series, published by Marvel in 1989 during the Copper Age of comics. The comic book is CGC graded at 9.0 with white pages, ensuring its excellent condition.